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Performance - 2.2.0


Scorecard for processes

This version features the possibility of associating scorecard templates with process types in SoftExpert Process, so that, upon creating a process, it is monitored by a scorecard generated from the template.

The scorecard generated in this situation displays the process that generated it; in the data of this process, it is possible to view the structure of the related scorecard.

To automate the indicator values of scorecards of this type, it is possible to create saved formulas configured to use the process associated with the scorecard as a parameter. Thus, it is not necessary to manually configure the formula for each one.


Saved formula

It is now possible to create saved formulas and share them with indicators and scorecards, as it is possible to add filters using fields in the Analytics vision and indicator attribute values, eliminating the need to create a vision for each set of filters.


Simplified formula

The definition of formulas for the indicators has been redesigned, facilitating the creation of simple formulas, without the need to build formulas through the formula editor.


Scorecard template 

From this version onwards, scorecards created from a template will be linked to it, and it will be possible to compare and replicate structure changes between the template and the scorecard created from it.


Action plan associations 

It is now possible to associate action plans from any SoftExpert Suite object with the indicators.


Abbreviate values

In the view profile, it is now possible to display indicator values abbreviated in views and portals.


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